Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kylee's First Flight

It all started with a lollipop. Kylee's very first lollipop. A women walked by and asked may I give your girls a lollipop. Why of course it's Halloween.

Then we took off in the air. Chenoa and I told Kylee we are flying! Kylee's very first flight!

I was a little bit nervous flying with the girls on my own. But Kylee's very first flight. It was pretty cool. To watch her look out the window and say wow!


Work in Progress said...

How did it go? It's always a bit nerve wracking to travel with little ones on your own. I bet they did great, though. I love this last picture! Awesome!

Lara said...

I was very nervous about how it would go but it wasn't that bad. The flight back went better!