Friday, September 5, 2008

They Grow Up So fast

I have been working for five months. Every time I leave Kylee their she cries, reaches for me, or at least gives whimper. Today when I dropped her off so I could work out and get my hair done. (Sounds fabulous I know) Kylee immediately wanted down to play. I showed her the really cool bouncing zebra. After being done filling out the info board. I wave to Kylee and say "Bye Bye Kylee." As she stands I prepare to grab her and hand her to a childcare person so I can get out the door with out her grabbing my leg. But to my shock Kylee stands and smiles she waves to me and says "Bye Bye." It was so cute and surprising. They grow up so fast!

1 comment:

Work in Progress said...

Awww! It's nice that she gaining some independence and is happy there. But when this happens to me, I can't help but feeling a little "you should at least LOOK like you are gonna miss me!". :)